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0.12.0: development release of GWpy

Backwards-incompatible changes:

- [#790] new `gwpy.plot` matplotlib interface, which replaces `gwpy.plotter`;
  the old interface is still there, but now carries a `DeprecationWarning`
  and will not be maintained
- [#845] `gwpy.signal.filter` has been removed as it was never well-maintained
  or documented
- [#868] new implementation of time-domain whitening with inverse-spectrum

Backwards-compatible changes:

- support for python3.7
- [#872] new classmethod `TimeSeriesDict.from_nds2_buffer`
- [#878] new defaults for `TimeSeries.spectrogram2`
- [#846] new overloaded `Array.flatten` and `Array2D.T`

Bug-fixes (including package, unit test, and documentation updates):

- miscellaneous bug fixes
- miscellaneous documentation fixes
- a few updates to the examples

See for a full statement of what has changed since the last release.