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Development release of GWpy. This is the first release that formally supports python3.7.

Backwards-incompatible changes:

- [#924, #1013] ADC scaling parameters stored in FrAdcData structures are now automatically applied when reading data with frameCPP or nds2, use `scaled=False` to disable
- [#977] TeX is now _not_ used by default for visualisation, see for details on how rcParams-overrides can be controlled directly from the environment
- [#981] `gwpy.plotter` has been completely removed
- [#933] `gwpy.tests` was renamed `gwpy.testing`

Backwards-compatible changes:

- [#1014] new command-line interface to `gwpy.time`
- [#911] `` now supports data discovery on Virgo filesystems if `FFLPATH` or `VIRGODATA` are set in the environment (as default at Cascina)

Numerous other small changes, bug fixes, and improvements to documentation, continous integration, and testing are also included. See for a full list of changes.