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GWpy 3.0.3 - bug fix release


- [#1542] Update usage of `pytest.raises` throughout the codebase
- [#1559] Improve handling/propagation of maya/dateparser errors and refactor `gwpy.time` tests
- [#1563] Improve documentation of GWF I/O libraries
- [#1566] Update import of `matplotlib.docstrings`
- [#1567] Update a number of CLI examples to use GWTC-3 data
- [#1575] Update GWF writing for frameCPP 3.0.0
- [#1576] Add wrapper around `scipy.signal.get_window` to handle pre-computed window arrays
- [#1577] Gracefully skip `requests.exceptions.ConnectionError` in testing
- [#1578] Improve NDSWarning message emitted by `TimeSeriesDict.fetch`
- [#1579] Replace usage of deprecated `matplotlib.ticker.is_close_to_int`
- [#1585] Enhance LaTeX detection
- [#1586] Fix incompatibilities with matplotlib 3.7.0
- [#1587] Update qscan example
- [#1590] Fix incorrect phase for transfer function calculation
- [#1600] Address floating point errors for index creation
- [#1602] Replace deprecated `interp2d` with `RectBivariateSpline`

The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
