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GWpy 3.0.8 - patch release


- [#1665] Sieve URLs from gwosc client before fetch
- [#1669] Handle reading `LIGO_LW` XML files that are missing the `_ns` timing columns.
- [#1672] Fix bug in `TimeSeriesDict.find`
- [#1685] Fix array indexing of `Series.xindex`
- [#1688] Silence LAL `LIGOTimeGPS` warnings when parsing a cache
- [#1691] Use class fixtures to download GWOSC data that is used many times
- [#1694] Fix missing sample when reading with non-exact sample times using LALFrame
- [#1695] Replace `maya` with `dateparser` in `gwpy.time`
- [#1698] Fix coherene test fixture
- [#1699] Fix the Zenodo RST utility module
- [#1712] Drop `HAS_TEX` for faster startup time
- [#1713] Track LALSuite rebrand in docs
- [#1714] Add support for Python 3.12
- [#1715] Avoid python-framel 8.46.0
- [#1716] Migrate test requirement to pytest-freezer
- [#1718] Remove all use of distutils
- [#1719] Replace `datetime.utcnow()` with ``
- [#1721] Add aliases for LIGO and Virgo's 'time' units
- [#1722] Read the unitX from a GWF with frameCPP
- [#1723] Allow localhost sockets during dist testing
- [#1728] Fix bugs in inverse FFT normalisation
- [#1730] Propagate source keyword in `DataQualityDict.populate`
- [#1733] Update documentation references for lscsoft-glue and LALSuite
- [#1734] Replace `sphinx-panels` tabs with `sphinx-immaterial` tabs

The full details of this milestone can be seen at
