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Add ValueError when improper starting frequency used with `to_pycbc()`

Duncan Macleod requested to merge github/fork/dethodav/pycbc_error into main

Created by: dethodav

This PR ensures that a ValueError is returned when the user attempts to use frequencyseries.FrequencySeries.to_pycbc() in cases when the starting frequency is not 0 Hz. When a PyCBC frequency series is created with f0 != 0 Hz, the PyCBC frequencies are not correct (They are offset by f0).

Here is an example of code that now returns a ValueError since the starting frequency is 10 Hz:

from gwpy.frequencyseries import FrequencySeries
psd = ('O3-H1-C01_CLEAN_SUB60HZ-1262197260.0_sensitivity_strain_asd.txt')).to_pycbc()

The above example uses this file:

Merge request reports
