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Introducing a TimeSeries.correlate() method

Duncan Macleod requested to merge github/fork/alurban/matched-filter into develop

Created by: alurban

@duncanmmacleod, this pull request makes the following changes:

  • Introduce a method, TimeSeries.correlate(), which convolves self with the phase reverse of a given signal, yielding the matched-filter SNR
  • The new method whitens both the input and the matched-filter if requested, using an ASD of the input followed by two calls to TimeSeries.whiten()
  • Add a unit test and documentation example for the new method (the latter requires LIGO.ORG credentials)
  • Update TimeSeries.whiten() to normalize by expected standard deviation, rather than observed
  • Update the unit test for TimeSeries.whiten()

Note, the SNR timeseries returned by TimeSeries.correlate() has the same length and timestamps as self. Both self and the matched-filter argument are detrended (to give the output zero mean), and the output SNR is normalized by its expected standard deviation (to give unit variance). Users will have to remember to take the absolute value of the output if they don't care about minus signs.

This should be considered a target for gwpy 0.13.0/1.0.0.

This fixes #892 (closed).

Merge request reports
