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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.0.9 Release: GWpy 3.0.9
    GWpy 3.0.9 - patch release
    This release fixes a few bugs and resolves compatibility issues with the
    latest releases of NumPy and SciPy.
    - [#1616] Support parsing multiple FFL files for a single dataset
    - [#1637] Remove redundant usetex test function
    - [#1641] Add tests for
    - [#1747] Fix argument reuse bug in gwpy.cli
    - [#1749] Add Virgo 'HoftOnline' as a preferred frametype
    - [#1753] Fix usage of Hann window for Scipy 1.13.0
    - [#1755] Fix test failure with Zenodo rate limit
    - [#1760] Fix array copy compatibility with numpy 2
    - [#1762] Fix usage of Scipy firwin
    - [#1763] Fix usage of Scipy trapezoid in gwpy.astro
    - [#1764] Improve error handling when reading GWF with LALFrame
    - [#1765] Add extra unit alias for 's'
    The full details of this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.8 Release: GWpy 3.0.8
    GWpy 3.0.8 - patch release
    - [#1665] Sieve URLs from gwosc client before fetch
    - [#1669] Handle reading `LIGO_LW` XML files that are missing the `_ns` timing columns.
    - [#1672] Fix bug in `TimeSeriesDict.find`
    - [#1685] Fix array indexing of `Series.xindex`
    - [#1688] Silence LAL `LIGOTimeGPS` warnings when parsing a cache
    - [#1691] Use class fixtures to download GWOSC data that is used many times
    - [#1694] Fix missing sample when reading with non-exact sample times using LALFrame
    - [#1695] Replace `maya` with `dateparser` in `gwpy.time`
    - [#1698] Fix coherene test fixture
    - [#1699] Fix the Zenodo RST utility module
    - [#1712] Drop `HAS_TEX` for faster startup time
    - [#1713] Track LALSuite rebrand in docs
    - [#1714] Add support for Python 3.12
    - [#1715] Avoid python-framel 8.46.0
    - [#1716] Migrate test requirement to pytest-freezer
    - [#1718] Remove all use of distutils
    - [#1719] Replace `datetime.utcnow()` with ``
    - [#1721] Add aliases for LIGO and Virgo's 'time' units
    - [#1722] Read the unitX from a GWF with frameCPP
    - [#1723] Allow localhost sockets during dist testing
    - [#1728] Fix bugs in inverse FFT normalisation
    - [#1730] Propagate source keyword in `DataQualityDict.populate`
    - [#1733] Update documentation references for lscsoft-glue and LALSuite
    - [#1734] Replace `sphinx-panels` tabs with `sphinx-immaterial` tabs
    The full details of this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.7 Release: GWpy 3.0.7
    GWpy 3.0.7 - build fix release
    The distributions for GWpy 3.0.6 were corrupted, so 3.0.7 replaces that release.
    There are no code changes in 3.0.7 relative to 3.0.6
  • v3.0.6 Release: GWpy 3.0.6
    GWpy 3.0.6 - patch release
    - [#1636] Drop support for Python 3.7
    - [#1649] Don't round TimeSeries.dt when setting via sample_rate
    - [#1654] Fix type comparison lint
    - [#1661] Fix compatibility with matplotlib 3.8.0                                                     - [#1676] Improve tests of TimeSeriesDict.find error handling
    - [#1677] Fix all executable lint issues
    The full details of this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.5 Release: GWpy 3.0.5
    GWpy 3.0.5 - patch release
    - [#1613] Update all GWOSC URLs to
    - [#1608] Fix issues writing StateVector.bits to HDF5
    - [#1610] Fix plotting TimeSeriesDict on separate Axes
    - [#1611] Resample time series for coherence calculation when sampling rates differ
    - [#1622] Update LatexInlineDimensional unit formatter for Astropy 5.3
    - [#1621] Fix issues with Series.crop precision
    - [#1617] Document the copy keyword for TimeSeriesBaseDict.crop
    - [#1619] Address inconsistency in transfer_function between CSD and PSD averaging methods
    - [#1628] Add H0 and L0 to dynamic_scaled exclusion list
    The full details of this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.4 Release: GWpy 3.0.4
    GWpy 3.0.4 - bug fix release
    - [#1606] Fix incompatibility with gwosc 0.7.0
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.3 Release: GWpy 3.0.3
    GWpy 3.0.3 - bug fix release
    - [#1542] Update usage of `pytest.raises` throughout the codebase
    - [#1559] Improve handling/propagation of maya/dateparser errors and refactor `gwpy.time` tests
    - [#1563] Improve documentation of GWF I/O libraries
    - [#1566] Update import of `matplotlib.docstrings`
    - [#1567] Update a number of CLI examples to use GWTC-3 data
    - [#1575] Update GWF writing for frameCPP 3.0.0
    - [#1576] Add wrapper around `scipy.signal.get_window` to handle pre-computed window arrays
    - [#1577] Gracefully skip `requests.exceptions.ConnectionError` in testing
    - [#1578] Improve NDSWarning message emitted by `TimeSeriesDict.fetch`
    - [#1579] Replace usage of deprecated `matplotlib.ticker.is_close_to_int`
    - [#1585] Enhance LaTeX detection
    - [#1586] Fix incompatibilities with matplotlib 3.7.0
    - [#1587] Update qscan example
    - [#1590] Fix incorrect phase for transfer function calculation
    - [#1600] Address floating point errors for index creation
    - [#1602] Replace deprecated `interp2d` with `RectBivariateSpline`
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.2 Release: GWpy 3.0.2
    GWpy 3.0.2 - bug fix release
    - [#1555] Declare support for Python 3.11
    - [#1570] Fix reading ILWD chars from LIGO_LW XML with python-ligo-lw
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.1 Release: GWpy 3.0.1
    GWpy 3.0.1 - bug fix release
    - [#1554] handle optional kerberos with requests-ecp
    - [#1558] fix Python 3.11 compatibility in ``
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v3.0.0 Release: GWpy 3.0.0
    GWpy 3.0.0 - major feature release
    Backwards-incompatible changes:
    -   [#1284] refactor gwpy.astro to depend on inspiral-range
    -   [#1356] remove support for S6-style SegDB server
    -   [#1465] remove support for `hdf5.losc` file format key
    -   [#1466] remove `gwpy.table.EventColum`
    -   [#1467] remove deprecated `Plot` methods
    -   [#1468] remove deprecated colorbar behaviour
    -   [#1469] remove deprecated `SegmentAxes` methods
    -   [#1470] remove deprecated `` options for GWF
    -   [#1472] remove deprecated `Spectrogram.plot` keyword
    -   [#1479] update API for `gwpy.utils.lal.to_lal_unit` function
    -   [#1531] `gwpy.testing.utils.skip_missing_dependency` is now
        deprecated and will be removed in a future release
    Backwards-compatible changes:
    -   [#1265] add support for reading GstLAL trigger files
    -   [#1391] add support for filter functions to use multiple
        columns with `EventTable.filter`
    -   [#1406] add `TimeSeries.transfer_function`
    -   [#1419] support writing ROOT files with `uproot4`
    -   [#1477] remove equivalentce between `strain` and
        `dimensionless_unscaled` units
    -   [#1483] update `Axes.tile` to use `sortbycolor` keyword
    -   [#1501] improve handling of empty arrays when writing GWF with LALFrame
    -   [#1531] use `pytest.mark.requires` in all tests
    -   [#1543] improve PyCBC HDF5 table reading
    A number of bugs were fixed, and compatibility improved with advanced
    versions of the requirements.
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.5 Release: GWpy 2.1.5
    GWpy 2.1.5
    Patch release for GWpy 2.1.x.
    Bug fixes and other API-compatible changes:
    - [#1521] fix compatibility with scipy 1.9.0
    - [#1523] deprecate the `gwpy.utils.null_context` function
    - [#1530] fix some lint
    The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.4 Release: GWpy 2.1.4
    GWpy 2.1.4
    Patch release for GWpy 2.1.x.
    Bug fixes and other API-compatible changes:
    - [#1363] handle cases in `EventTable.cluster()` where table is empty or already clustered
    - [#1428] fix bug in `Series` index comparison
    - [#1474] fix bug reading ASCII Files
    - [#1484] resolve `DeprecationWarning` from SciPy 1.8.0
    - [#1487] fix reading a contiguous set of files with LALFrame
    - [#1499] migrate GWDataFind interface to new UI
    - [#1512] update name of Gravity Spy server for glitch tables
    - [#1517] work around a bug in frameCPP
    Dependency changes:
    - [#1441] Python >=3.7
    - [#1441] h5py >=2.8.0
    - [#1463] Astropy >=4.0
    - [#1463] NumPy >=1.16
    - [#1499] GWDataFind >=1.1.0
    A number of other internal changes were made, the full list of changes
    related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.3 Release: GWpy 2.1.3
    GWpy 2.1.3
    Patch release.
    Bug fixes:
    - [#1401] update test suite to use tmp_path fixture in pytest
    - [#1418] add support for Python 3.10
    - [#1439] fix DeprecationWarning emitted in Python 3.10
    - [#1438] update timeseries/public example
    - [#1456] decorate test to skip gracefully on network error
    - [#1457] fix compatibility with python-ligo-lw 1.8.0
    - [#1548] fix compatibility with scipy 1.8.0
    A few other bugs were fixed related to internal infrastructure, the full list of
    changes related to the milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.2 Release: GWpy 2.1.2
    GWpy 2.1.2
    Patch release
    - [#1411] `` is now deprecated
    Bug fixes:
    - [#1425] writing a `TimeSeries` with no `name` to GWF now has consistent behaviour across all GWF APIs
    - [#1435] fixed compatibility with Astropy 5.0
    A few other bugs were fixed (mostly internal); the full list of changes
    related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.1 Release: 2.1.1
    GWpy 2.1.1 - patch release
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1412] `` is now deprecated
    Backwards-compatible changes:
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1417] a `strict` keyword was added to ``
    Bug fixes:
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1414] `Series.crop()` can now handle irregular indices (thanks @mattpitkin!)
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1420] `` no longer checks the `tRange` of an `FrProcData` when reading GWF using FrameCPP
    A few other bugs were fixed (mostly internal); the full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.1.0 Release: 2.1.0
    GWpy 2.1.0 - development release
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1353] the `gwpy.testing.utils.TemporaryFile` context manager is now deprecated
    Backwards-compatible changes
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1263, gwpy/gwpy#1309] ROOT I/O now uses `uproot` as the backend
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1275] passing a `channel` name is now optional when reading files in the `hdf5.snax` format
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1282] the default spectral averaging method is now 'median' (was 'mean')
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1285] `TimeSeries.rayleigh_spectrum` now supports a `window` keyword
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1293] `gwpy.astro.inspiral_range` function renamed to `sensemon_range`
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1329] new `--average-method` command-line option for `gwpy-plot`
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1347] `gwpy.signal.filter_design.notch` now supports an `output` keyword
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1330] `gwpy-plot qtransform` now supports FFT options on the command-line
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1362, gwpy/gwpy#1380] `pathlib.Path` objects are now supported everywhere file names are passed around (hopefully)
    A number of bugs were fixed, and compatibility improved with advanced versions of the requirements. The full list of changes related to this milestone can be seen at
  • v2.0.4 Release: 2.0.4
    GWpy 2.0.4
    Bug-fix release.
    - [#1304] added new `gwpy.testing.errors` module
    - [#1317, #1319] fixed warnings (or lack thereof) during testing
    - [#1318] fixed a deprecation warning from numpy
    - [#1320] migrated build and metadata to setuptools_scm
    The full list of changes associated with this change can be seen at
  • v2.0.3 Release: 2.0.3
    GWpy 2.0.3
    Bug-fix release.
    - [#1290] fix a number of warnings
    - [#1294] fix bug in `deprecated_function` decorator
    - [#1296] fix compatibility with modern pandas
    - [#1303] fix compatibility with matplotlib >=3.4.0
    - [#1312] simplify Axes.scatter wrapper
    - [#1313] don't modify VetoDef in-place when converting to DataQualityFlag
    The full list of changes associated with this change can be seen at
  • v2.0.2 Release: 2.0.2
    2.0.2: bug-fix release
    Bugs fixed:
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1269] fix an issue with file path handling
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1270] fix issues with LIGO_LW column handling
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1278] fix compatibility with matplotlib-3.3.3
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1279] fix compatibility with h5py-3.1.0
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1281] fix issue with error reporting when reading LIGO_LW arrays
    The full list of changes associated with this change can be seen
  • v2.0.1 Release: 2.0.1
    2.0.1: bug-fix release
    This release presents no API changes, and only addresses compatibility with upstream packages.
    - [gwpy/gwpy#1259] fix compatibility with matplotlib-3.3.0
    The full list of changes associated with this change can be see at